Uvamin Retard Capsule is used for Urinary tract infection, Bacterial infections of the bladder and other conditionsThis "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles in Scholar1971) case opinion from the U.S

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Ci-dessous 23 citations Retard :Advanced Search Include CitationsDilzem Retard Tablet contains Diltiazem Hcl as an active ingredient
Pica was recognized in 25.8 percent of a population of 991 institutionalized mentally retarded adultsSan Francisco Considers $1,000 Fines for People Smoking Tobacco or Cannabis in Their Apartments A bill under consideration by the city's Board of Supervisors would ban smoking inThe timing of the last tones constituting the final retard is studied in performances of motor music, i.e., music dominated by long sequences of short and equal note values frequently accompanied by similar series of twice as long note values
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The data were examined in an effort to study the test‐retest reliability and stability of the WAIS‐R with the mentally retardedThe case quickly settled before the U.SThe results suggest that the retard length is related to the length of the final cadence and that the retards are divided into two phases, the first of

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The National Academies PressCommercialized lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs) with a liquid electrolyte have a high potential for combustion or explosionIn addition three groups of ten adolescents each (mentally retarded and intellectually normal sex offenders and one group of mentally retarded non-offenders with behavioural problems) were investigated to gain a more indepth perspective of characteristics of these adolescents and their backgrounds

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A retarder is a device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction -based braking systems, usually on heavy vehiclesMoreover, unlike fire fighters, who are rarely accused of sparking or spreading rather thanCitation needed Sammy Lee Davis (born November 1, 1946) is an American who served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War and was awarded the nation's highest military medal for valor, the Medal of Honor Early years

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If the pharmacokinetics of the retard formulation tested and of the normal preparation are known, in either plasma or urine, two retard quotients can be defined which define the sustained releaseI have loyally supported and promoted special classes for the educable mentally retarded for most of the last years, but with growing disaffectionDilzem Retard Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide

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Phase space for retarded equations with infinite delay, Funkcialaj Ekvac (1978) by J K Hale, J Kato Add To MetaCartTheir combined citations are counted only for the first articleSome psychologist and psychiatrist believe that there is no exact meaning for moron and retard

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Arriver tous les jours à son travail avec une heure de retard est un signe de ponctualitéThe ones marked * may be different from the article in the profileHe has listed methods, materials, and supplies that, in his opinion, are good for teaching the mentally retarded

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A Review of Placement Practices in Special Education." National Research CouncilPennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) vTidilan Retard Tablet is used for Premature labor pain, Threatened abortion, Night cramps, Reduced blood flow in the veins and arteries, Blood vessel diseases and other conditions


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Uvamin Retard Capsule works by slowing the growth of bacteriaIl se dit de ce qui est ou se fait trop tardTidilan Retard Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide

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Navy and Marine CorpsIntellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability and mental retardation (MR), is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioningBased on correlational, t ‐value and percentage of scale score change information, the authors concluded that the WAIS‐R IQs appeared to possess good test‐retest reliability and stability over an approximate

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A conservator of the person cares for and protects a person when the judge decides that the person cannot do it.The conservator is responsible for making sure that the conservatee has proper food, clothing, shelter, and health careCommonwealth of Pennsylvania -- Case DocumentsWhat is the name of the party bringing the legal action?

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He suggests that the book might be of value as a text in college classes for teachersHow to use retard in a sentenceThe probate court can appoint a conservator of the person, a conservator of the estate, or both, depending on the needs of the conservatee

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Next 10 → Global stability for an SIR epidemic model with delay and nonlinear incidence, Nonlinear AnalRantudil Retard Capsule contains Acemetacin as an active ingredientRantudil Retard Capsule is used for Arthritic, Pain, Toothaches, Cold, Arthritis, Fever, Headache, Muscle aches, Backache and other conditions

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The use of solid electrolytes in LIBs is a promising way to overcome the drawbacks of conventional liquid electrolyte‐based systems, but they generally have a lower ionic conductivity and lithium ion mobilityThe Navy version has navy blue, yellow, and red horizontal stripes, and is the only Navy ribbon having horizontal stripesHowever, Congress did not leave school administrators

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District Court for the Eastern District ofOverview Duspatalin Retard Capsule is used for Irritable bowel syndrome, Gastric and duodenal ulcers, Inflammation of the digestive tract, Inflammation of digestive system, Disease of the gall bladder, Dysentery, Disease of gall ducts, Regional enteritis, Diarrhea, Irritable colon syndrome and other conditionsFor Retarded Children v

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Dilzem Retard Tablet is used for Chest pain due to coronary artery spasm, Hypertension, Chronic stable chest pain and other conditionsRetard definition is - to delay or impede the development or progress of :Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the first right-to-education suit in the country, to overturn that Pennsylvania law and secure a quality education for all children

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Retarders serve to slow vehicles, or maintain a steady speed while traveling down a hill, and help prevent the vehicle from "running away" by accelerating down the hillNortheastern University - Cited by 4,298 - time delay system - stability of time delay systems - retarded and neutral type systems - autonomous systems - multi-agent systemsPlacing Children in Special Education:

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One of the quotients refers to the width (half-value duration) and the other to the height of the plasma concentration timeBut unlike "fire, " the term "systemic risk " is less clearly definedThe words are insecurely used for people who seem mad, stupid, boring, half-witted, and/or unwise;

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